Christian Mystery Novel w/ Character List: “Eat, Drink and Be Wary”


Eat, Drink and Be Wary is a Tamar Myers’ sixth installment in her Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery series.
• The novel combines a lighthearted culinary contest with suspenseful elements and Christian themes.
• Recipes included in the book serve as a unique way to integrate fun and fellowship into the story.

Unraveling the Mystery: Eat, Drink and Be Wary

Stories have the power to transport us to another world, to make us feel, think, and most importantly, to inspire. Eat, Drink and Be Wary, part of the Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery series by Tamar Myers, is one such tale that not only entertains but also infuses faith into the narrative. Set in the heart of the Pennsylvania Amish-Mennonite community, the novel is a delightful blend of mystery, humor, and Christian values, all wrapped up in a culinary-themed plot that keeps readers guessing until the very end.

Exploring Tamar Myers’ Penchant for Puzzles and Faith

Myers’ work is known for its unique setting and kooky characters. Eat, Drink and Be Wary is no exception. Through the protagonist, Magdalena Yoder, Myers crafts a story that is both engaging and enigmatic. As an innkeeper, Magdalena’s Mennonite faith plays a crucial role in her life and the lives of those around her. Myers deftly uses this setting to explore and celebrate the interplay between faith and daily life.

Offbeat Characters Amaze and Amuse

As the story opens, Freni Hostetler, Magdalena’s crotchety cook, lures Magdalena into the East Coast Delicacies Cook-off. “It’s only a little cooking contest,” Freni wheedles. Plus, she is a contestant in the cook-off, which will pay the winner $100,000! And Freni has nefarious plans for that money! (I won’t mention exactly what she’s planning, but I will say that it involves her despised daughter-in-law Barbara. And I’ll even add that you won’t believe a faithful Amish woman like Freni could devise such a malicious plan!)

As for Magdalena, she’s still addlepated from the sudden, strange dissolution of her marriage, which tarnished her reputation and scrambled her reasoning powers. Under the disturbing effect of Aaron Miller, Jr.’s betrayal, it’s no wonder Magdalena lets herself be coaxed into an event she wants to have nothing to do with.

Susannah, Magdalena’s flamboyant sister of the flowing attire, arrives unexpectedly after a three-month absence, because she wants to meet Roach Clip, a rock star with a reservation at the PennDutch Inn. She is noisily devastated when she learns all the scheduled guests have been cancelled in favor of the cook-off’s judges and contestants. But her tantrum is aborted with the arrival of the attractive Mr. Anderson, judge and organizer of the cooking contest.

After Mr. Anderson checks in, the inn soon fills up. These guests are a typical motley crew at the PennDutch. Three judges, five contestants, and one father take their places to entertain the reader. Of course, one of them, hated by all, will be the murder victim.

A Culinary Contest with a Side of Suspense

At the heart of the story lies a culinary contest, bringing together an array of characters, each with their own secrets and motivations. The contest is a clever device used by Myers to gather a community, setting the stage for mystery and intrigue. As the competition heats up, so does the suspense, with the death of the victim turning the inn into a crime scene.

This unexpected twist forces Magdalena to don her detective hat and sift through the clues. The contest becomes more than just a quest for the best recipe—it becomes a metaphor for the melting pot of life, with each character adding their own flavor to the story. Fans of Tamar Myers will appreciate the wit and charm infused in this culinary mystery.

Sharing Meals and Uncovering Truths

As the characters in Eat, Drink and Be Wary gather around the table, they do more than eat; they converse. It’s in these moments that truths are uncovered—not just about the mystery at hand, but about the characters themselves. The act of sharing a meal becomes a conduit for revelation, both personal and communal.

Meals are also an opportunity to criticize and complain. After all, the five contestants are cooks, and one of them – Freni – is responsible for the week’s meals. Now, is that really fair? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s certainly the perfect excuse for slinging mud and finding fault.


Let’s address some common questions about Christian mystery novels and Eat, Drink and Be Wary specifically:

What Makes a Novel a Christian Mystery?
A Christian mystery novel is one that incorporates elements of faith, Christian values, and biblical principles into the traditional mystery genre. It’s not just about solving a crime; it’s about exploring the moral and spiritual dimensions of the characters and the narrative.

How does Eat, Drink and Be Wary Integrate Faith into the Narrative?
The novel integrates faith through its characters, setting, and plot. Magdalena Yoder’s Mennonite beliefs guide her actions and decisions.

Why Are Recipes Included in Tamar Myers’ Mystery Series?
Recipes are included as a way to celebrate the tradition of communal eating and fellowship that is central to the Christian faith. They offer a unique way for readers to connect with the story and its characters, and to bring a piece of the narrative into their own kitchens and lives.

Can Non-Christian Readers Enjoy Eat, Drink and Be Wary?
Absolutely. While the novel is rooted in Christian values, its themes of community, forgiveness, and the pursuit of truth are universal. The story is crafted to be enjoyable and accessible to readers of all backgrounds.

In conclusion, Eat, Drink and Be Wary is a Christian mystery novel that serves up a hearty portion of suspense, seasoned with faith. Tamar Myers has crafted a story that not only entertains but also provides food for thought, encouraging readers to reflect on their own beliefs and values. Whether you’re a fan of mysteries, interested in Christian fiction, or simply looking for a story that warms the heart and stirs the soul, this book is a delightful addition to any reading list.

So, grab a copy of Eat, Drink and Be Wary, try out some of the recipes, and immerse yourself in the quaint and quirky world of the Pennsylvania Dutch. You might just find yourself savoring the mystery as much as the meals.

Character List for Eat, Drink and Be Wary

This list carefully avoids spoilers. Names and descriptions below reflect the original information given about each character. Main characters are listed, along with some minor players.

Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery Series Regulars

Magdalena Yoder – 46 year-old Mennonite and proprietress of the PennDutch Inn of Hernia, Pennsylvania

Susannah Yoder Entwhistle – Magdalena’s 35-year-old sister. She ran off and married a Presbyterian after the death of her parents. Now divorced, she is lazy and irresponsible. She billows when she walks because she drapes herself in “enough fabric to clothe a small third-world country.”

Papa and Mama Yoder, deceased – The parents of Magdalena and Susannah died about 13 years earlier in a highway smash-up, their vehicle being sandwiched between a truck full of running shoes and a tanker full of milk. Previously Mr. Yoder had been a dairy man and Mrs. Yoder sold eggs. They may have already passed on to Glory, but you’ll hear about them, especially Mama.

Mose Hostetler – age: mid 70’s, a kinsman and handyman for the inn – Amish instead of Mennonite

Freni Hostetler – Mose’s wife – the cranky cook for the PennDutch Inn

Aaron Miller – Magdalena’s ex-husband, her former “Pooky Bear”

Melvin Stoltzfus – Hernia’s Chief of Police

Zelda Root – Melvin’s assistant

Jonathan Hostetler – Mose and Freni’s son who now runs their farm while they work for Magdalena

Barbara Hostetler – John’s wife – 6 feet tall – always at odds with Freni

A.L.P.O. – Amish Lifestyle Plan Option – Penn Dutch Inn guests pay extra to take care of their own rooms, laundry, and meals

PennDutch Animals
Shnookums – Susannah’s tiny dog
Matilda and Betsey – milk cows

Characters in Current Story

Derrick Simms – reporter for the National Intruder

Involved in the East Coast Delicacies (E.C.D.) Cook-off
Freni Hostetler – contestant – see above
James Anderson (Jimmy) – judge and organizer – vice president of East Coast Delicacies
Alma Cornwater – contestant, middle-aged woman from Cherokee, North Carolina – lives on the Cherokee Reservation
Gladys Dolby – contestant – accompanied by her father Gordon
Ms. Kimberly McManus Holt – contestant, from Boston – the star of Cooking with Kimberly – a stylish woman in her late 30s
Arthur Strump (Art) – contestant, in his late 20s – arrives with his 18-year-old girlfriend Carlie Davis who is covered with rings (body piercings)
Marge Benedict – judge, food critic for American Appetite magazine
George Mitchell – judge, CEO of East Coast Delicacies – “a dapper, older gent”

Sam Yoder – Magdalena’s cousin and owner of Yoder’s Corner Market

Dr. Rosenkrantz – physician at the Bedford hospital

Nurse Dudley – a fixture at the Bedford hospital

Dr. Balu Nagpur – an intern at the Bedord hospital

Lodema Schrock – wife of the pastor of Beechy Groove Mennonite Church (Magdalena’s church) and the town’s biggest gossip

Ed Cornwater – Alma’s husband

Gary Cornwater – Alma’s son – stole a car when he was 14

Tiffany – Gary’s girlfriend, who shot the clerk when they were holding up a gas station

Pat – owner of Pat’s I.G.A. in Bedford

Reverend Schrock – pastor of Beechy Groove Mennonite Church

Ervin Stackrumple – a lawyer

Elizabeth Mast – Amish friend who visited Mose and Barbara when they were ill

Gardenia – Carlie mother, deceased since Carlie was a baby


• Freni Hostetler’s Prize-Winning Slow-Baked Bread Pudding
• Marilyn Mitchell’s Tortilla Cake Surprise
• Alma Cornwater’s Curried Lamb Loaf with Peach Chutney
• Arthur Strump’s Seafood Crepes
• Kimberly McManus Holt’s Boston Baked Beans
• Gladys Dolby’s Tomato Brunch Cake

Link to the book on Tamar Myers website: Eat, Drink, and BE WARY

Photo credit: Anelka on pixabay

Here are links to my blog indexes, which will make it quick and easy for you to find another post to read.
Blog Index – Lists blogs 1-35
Blog Index 2 – Lists blogs 36 to 70
Blog Index 3 – Will list blogs 71-100

Here’s a download of the character list:

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