Mark Robinson: “I Came Here to Get Something Started”

In a powerful address at the Faith and Freedom “Road to Majority” Conference in Washington, D.C. yesterday (June 21, 2024), Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R-NC) delivered a passionate speech that resonated with many in attendance. He began by expressing gratitude to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, setting a reverent tone for the gathering.

Robinson directly addressed the media present, underscoring his indifference to their potential criticism. He emphasized his belief that Jesus Christ holds ultimate authority and that no media narrative or political scheme could undermine Christ’s will for his life. He stressed that his faith in Christ empowers him to fulfill his purpose on Earth, regardless of the obstacles he faces.

The Challenges We Face

Robinson acknowledged the numerous issues plaguing the nation: open borders, escalating crime, the fentanyl crisis, and inappropriate materials in schools. He criticized the current administration’s handling of these issues, expressing disbelief that such a great nation is led by someone seemingly disconnected from reality.

Getting Something Started

Rather than delving into these well-known issues, Robinson aimed to ignite a movement. “We know what the issues are, but I didn’t really come here to go into details about the issues,” he said. “What I really came here to do, I came here to get something started.” He criticized the media for focusing on trivial matters and demonizing MAGA Republicans, while ignoring significant issues like national security, the economy, and education.

Robinson pointed out that we don’t see any MAGA Republicans blowing up buildings on 9/11, murdering people in Israel, or supporting terrorists. He called out the media and political elites for avoiding discussions about the nation’s critical challenges, while focusing on trivia and lies.

We Are Right

Robinson asserted that Republicans are correct in their stances on key issues. From securing borders to protecting children from inappropriate content and ensuring that taxpayers’ money is respected, he argued that Republican policies are fundamentally right. However, he noted that many Republicans are reluctant to stand up for these truths.

Standing Up for Our Beliefs

Robinson encouraged Republicans to be vocal and proud of their beliefs, even in the face of opposition at work or in social settings. He defended former President Trump, characterizing him as a fighter against vast opposition, rather than the bully he is often portrayed as.

Historical Context

Robinson reminded his audience of the Republican Party’s historical role in fighting for the Republic and ending slavery and Jim Crow laws. He contrasted this with the Democratic Party’s historical support for slavery and segregation, highlighting a legacy of systemic oppression that Democrats have sought to replace with welfare dependency.

The Truth Must Be Told

Emphasizing the importance of truth, Robinson urged Republicans to share their party’s historical and contemporary successes. He pointed to the achievements of Republican leaders like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Glenn Youngkin, Ron DeSantis, and Greg Abbott, as well as legislative accomplishments in North Carolina.

Robinson painted a vision of what North Carolina could achieve with him as governor, calling on his audience to be the bearers of truth in a society where many are afraid to speak out.

Dreams and Aspirations

Robinson shared his two great dreams: one eternal and one earthly. He dreams of a heavenly mansion where he hopes to see everyone, including his political opponents. On Earth, he hopes his descendants will remember him as a man who stood up for freedom and left a legacy of liberty.

Who Are We?

In closing, Robinson reflected on the identity of Republicans, conservatives, and patriots. He likened their spirit to the bravery of soldiers on D-Day, urging his audience to draw strength from their legacy. He called on them to let this spirit inspire them to save the nation once more.

The speech concluded with a blessing for the audience and the United States of America, leaving a lasting impression of faith, conviction, and a call to action.

Election Year 2024

Lt. Gov. Robinson’s speech was powerful and inspiring. This summary of mine doesn’t begin to do it justice. You’ll miss a great blessing if you don’t click the arrow and listen to it. (It is less than 20 minutes long.) With one of the most critical Presidential elections in the 248-year history of this country looming, we need to take Robinson’s words to heart and help him “get something started!” Let’s do it for all our children and grandchildren and in honor of the brave Americans who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.

This is an awesome speech. Don’t miss it!


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2 thoughts on “Mark Robinson: “I Came Here to Get Something Started””

  1. Excellent synopsis of a brilliant and important speech! I would encourage everyone to check out Mark Robinson’s speech.

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