Blogs with a Spiritual Theme

In the past, I have indexed my blogs chronologically. Now, I’m going to do it differently. I’ll list my blogs according to topic, including:

Blogs with a Spiritual Theme
Blogs about Books I Like: Fiction
∙ Blogs about Books I Like: Nonfiction
∙ Blogs for Holidays and Other Special Days
∙ Miscellaneous Blogs

I have listed a few blogs in more than one category, but mostly, they appear on only one list.

Blogs with a Spiritual Theme

Eagerly Waiting” – an explanation of the name of my website and Facebook page – about the rapture of the Church

Hidden Treasures” – describes some of my “aha” moments from the Bible

Forever Fantasies” – my wild ideas about how we MIGHT spend eternity – readers’ ideas are warmly welcomed

Lost Sheep Prayers” – a prayer a day for a month for lost loved ones

Every Life Matters” – For Sanctity of Human Life Day – describes the value of pre-born babies, their mothers, and every person

Highway to Heaven” – a brief explanation of how to get saved – a follow-up to “Every Life Matters”

Why Jesus Wept” – a poem about Jesus’ passion and crucifixion

The Way In” – an analogy for John 14:6 where Jesus says that He is the Way to the Father

Bubbles Astream” – about the painful partings that happen so often in life

My Love Song” – describes the wonder and joy of loving Jesus

Turn on the Light” – how to find light for your path in these difficult days

Is Jesus EVER Coming Back?” – explains why Bible prophecy sometimes seems so convoluted and yet is completely reliable

Is God an Egomaniac?” – explains that we worship God to improve OUR lives, not to blow up His ego

The Johnny Appleseed Calling” – describes Johnny Appleseed as an inspiration for God’s seed sowers

Glorious Things Coming to Those Who Wait” – waiting is no fun, but it is a fact of life, and the perks can be dazzling

A Month of Prayers for the Persecuted Church” – 31 prayers we can use to support our brothers and sisters who live under persecution

Pentecost – Then and Now” – three blogs, linked together, about my experience in the Charismatic denomination

God’s Will – the Ultimate Mystery” – my experiences trying to understand God’s will for my life

Sow Gentleness; Harvest Greatness” – thoughts on Psalm 18:35b, KJV: “…thy gentleness hath made me great.”

Is Satan the Ultimate Narcissist?” – an exploration of the devil’s narcissistic traits

Are All of Us, Like Esther, Here for ‘Such a Time as This’?” – about reconciling ourselves to living in these difficult times

A Person Without Self-Control Is Like a City with Broken-Down Walls” – a blog about Proverbs 25:28, describing the importance of self-control

Ecclesiastes: What’s It All About, Solomon?” a blog about Solomon’s analysis of the meaning of life

God’s Kryptonite” – a brief blog describing God’s kryptonite, His only vulnerability

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?” – my Thanksgiving blog, discussing the question of seemingly unanswered prayer

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers? – Part 2” – a Sunday School lesson featuring King David inspired more thoughts on prayer

Fortify Yourself Against Spiritual Deception” – a discussion of deceptive teachings plaguing the Church today

Unlocking God’s Wisdom with Bible Study Guides” – a blog exploring the value of study guides in deepening your understanding of God’s Word, especially the ones written by my mother

Jonestown and Heaven’s Gate: A Study in False Leadership” – the existence of dangerous cults underscores the importance of personal Bible study

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