In the past, I have indexed my blogs chronologically. Now, I’m going to do it differently. I’ll list my blogs according to topic, including:
∙ Blogs with a Spiritual Theme
∙ Blogs about Books I Like: Fiction
∙ Blogs about Books I Like: Nonfiction
∙ Blogs for Holidays and Other Special Days
∙ Miscellaneous Blogs
I have listed a few blogs in more than one category, but mostly, they appear on only one list.
Books I Like: Nonfiction
My Books:
“Stepping into Your Best Years: A Guide to Dancing Through Menopause” – about my book Dancing Through Menopause
“Discover the Essence of the Bible in Just One Sitting with The Bible in Brief” – about my book The Bible in Brief, which is a historical summary of the Bible
Alphabetical by Author
“Have the Wannabe gods Returned?” – my response to Jonathan Cahn’s book The Return of the Gods
“Take a Peek at the Future: Explore Todd Hampson’s Non-Prophet’s Guide (TM) Series” – a discussion of a fascinating series of books that unlock Bible prophecy and unveil mysteries
“The Unseen Realm, the Book You’ve Been Looking For” – an endorsement of Dr. Michael Heiser’s book The Unseen Realm
“The Blue Parakeet”: Book Review” – a review of Scot McKnight’s book on tackling difficult Bible passages
“Does Today’s Church Know God?” – a brief description of 20 attributes of God, based on A.W. Tozer’s book, Knowledge of the Holy

The Bible in Brief, hardcopy versions on
The Bible in Brief, ebook on