Let’s Celebrate the 4th of July by Being GIANTS!

The Bible book of Exodus tells the thrilling story of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. God rescued His nation with lots of excitement – plagues, a Passover celebration, and a miraculous escape through the Red Sea. Then that rag-tag bunch of slaves headed for their Promised Land.

After pausing at Sinai to receive instructions from the Lord and build the Tabernacle, they arrived at the edge of the Promised Land in a matter of months. Moses sent 12 spies to scout out the land. The spies found the country to be luscious with such fruits as grapes, pomegranates, and figs. (Numbers 13:23) They reported it to be a land “flowing with milk and honey.” (Numbers 13:27)

“But,” ten terrified spies quavered, “there are giants in the land! We’re like a bunch of grasshoppers compared to them!” (Numbers 13:33, paraphrased) They believed it was a lost cause.

And the frightened, disappointed nation wept.

However, Joshua and Caleb offered a dissenting opinion. They pled with the people not to rebel against God and not to be afraid, claiming that the people of the land, “are bread for us.” Plus, the two spies argued, the natives were defenseless against the God of Israel who would be with His people to protect them. (Numbers 14:9)

Upon hearing this appeal from Joshua and Caleb, their countrymen wanted to stone them! Which just goes to show you that mob mentality is STUPID!

Now, let me give you my opinion. The ten spies were right. As the 12 Israelites scouted out the land, there certainly were giants in the land – two of them, Joshua and Caleb.

God’s Giants

As the nation of Israel halted, poised on the edge of their Promised Land, every tangible indication screamed, “Be afraid! Be terrified! You are about to die!” The inhabitants of the land were settled and strong. Some of them were physical giants. The Israelites were weak and frightened. They weren’t soldiers; their curricula vitas would have read: “Previous experience: slave.”

So, where did Joshua and Caleb get their courage?

Maybe they got it in Egypt when God sent plagues on their enemies and shielded His people from the terrifying disasters. Maybe they got it at the Red Sea when the waters parted for their crossing, then swamped the Egyptian army. Maybe they got it at Sinai when the mountain thundered with God’s Presence

Bottom line: the Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth WAS their courage. He’s the One who sent the plagues that opened the Egyptian prison. He’s the One who closed the sea over the Egyptian army. And He’s the One who revealed His glory at Sinai.

Courageous American Giants

Today, the United States of America needs some spiritual giants of its own. The citizens of this country are fiercely divided by politics, by race, and by the covid so-called “vaccination,” just to name a few. And the reason we are so divided is that occult global forces have taken over our government and much of the national media. They are fanning the flames of controversy and generating disasters in order to solidify their unconstitutional power.

Of course, the good news is that we do have giants among us. Can you believe the Supreme Court finally overturned Roe vs. Wade? A majority of our Justices took a stand to protect children in the womb.

We all know how vicious Liberals are. Denying them the right to slaughter those tiny citizens is attacking one of the fundamental tenets of their pagan religion. I can’t even imagine how their fury is going to be manifested in the days ahead, but I thank our Supreme Court for taking a stand for decency and mercy, in spite of the threat. And I thank God for raising up men of character and courage – giants – to preside in that high court.

Another group of giants among us are the doctors who had the courage to prescribe effective medical treatment during the pandemic. Because our own government wanted to magnify the effects of that weaselly little virus, doctors who prescribed such therapies as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or Budesonide were ridiculed and bullied. Some lost their jobs or their hospital privileges. Medical personnel who cared energetically and effectively for their patients in spite of persecution are truly giants.

By God’s grace, we can identify many everyday giants among us: our armed forces, police personnel, fire fighters, farmers and ranchers, pastors, teachers, etc. You know who they are. And you probably know which ones are fakes, ravening wolves masquerading as giants.

Historical Giants

The United States was founded by giants. The men who dared to defy the British monarch by signing the Declaration of Independence put their families, their fortunes, and their very lives on the line. And they paid for it. Five were captured by the British, convicted as traitors, and executed. As a result of the Revolutionary War, some of the signers lost sons, homes, fortunes, and their own lives. (For more details, see this website.)

This Fourth of July, let me tell you where I believe we are. I believe it is very possible that Jesus Christ is going to return soon. I believe there will be a Rapture, or catching away, of the Church, followed by the Great Tribulation. It is possible that the world around us is being prepared right now for the soon-coming reign of the Antichrist.

If so, our most urgent need from spiritual giants is evangelism. The unsaved family and friends we love so dearly need to know that a terrible danger may be imminent. And they need to know that Jesus is their only hope of escaping from this horror.

On the other hand, perhaps we’re not about to be “beamed up.” Perhaps, the world is going to continue another hundred or thousand years or more in its current state. If so, the need for giants is urgent unless we want to turn our beautiful country over to tyrants.

Just as our forefathers resisted King George, III, we may have to resist our government. We no longer have a benevolent government. Powerful forces are creating disasters that will give them excuses to repeal our freedoms and inflate their control over us.

Be a Giant

Here are some of the ways we can be spiritual giants in these troubling times:

*Don’t listen to fake news. (There’s an easy way to identify fake news sources – they demonize President Trump. Obviously, President Trump is not a saint, and we need to know what he’s actually saying and doing. But President Trump was removed from office by a fraudulent election because the hidden global powers couldn’t control him, not because he is an evil power monger.)

*Don’t wear a mask. Don’t close your business. Don’t get vaccinated. Protect your children from the vaccination. (Please, please, please protect your children!) The whole covid fiasco was created and exacerbated by governments trying to expand their control over their citizenry. (For some critical information on the topic of the vax, its dangers, and its connection to government tyranny, I urge you to watch the video “Covidland 3 – The Shot.”)

*Get involved in the election process as a poll worker or a poll watcher. The United States desperately needs honest citizens manning polling stations and guarding against fraud.

*Don’t give up – keep on voting. Support Godly candidates. Run for office if God has called you to do so.

*Observe II Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (KJV)

*Evangelize. Evangelize. Evangelize. Even if we’re not on the brink of the Rapture and then the Great Tribulation, our loved ones may pass from this life any day. It is urgent that we do whatever we can to encourage them to secure their place in Glory.

*Weep for joy this Fourth of July when you hear our national anthem played or sung. We live in a magnificent country among warm, caring people. The God of Heaven has blessed the United States beyond our wildest dreams. Let’s thank Him by loving and protecting this blessed land.

[Please add your own items for this list in the Comments section below.]

God Bless America

This 4th of July, I thank God for all the Joshuas and Calebs who walk among us. And the Deborahs and Esthers too.

My prayer today is Irving Berlin’s beloved song, “God Bless America.”

“God bless America, land that I love 
Stand beside her and guide her 
Through the night with the light from above. 
From the mountains, 
To the prairies, 
To the ocean white with foam 
God bless America, 
My home sweet home.”

Photo credit: PhotoMix-Company on pixabay

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