Sqribble: The Fun, Easy Way to Be an Ebook Author

Key Takeaways

∙ Sqribble provides a platform for creating ebooks authors.
∙ The reasons you might want to write an ebook are many and varied.
∙ A couple of examples of ebooks may fire your imagination.
∙ Four upsells are available if you’re interested in related products.

A Brief Introduction to Sqribble

If you like having fun while you work, you need Sqribble! Sqribble is a fabulous place to go create ebooks, just like a real live author! In fact, the platform was designed by an author for authors. And right now, you can purchase Sqribble for a one-time price of only $19.99. Check it out here.

Addel Chowdhry is the above-mentioned author. He is constantly on the prowl for ways to improve his products and make his buyers happy. Maybe that’s why he has a Happiness Department (the support staff.) It’s a good name – they make me happy every time I have a problem because they solve it quickly and pleasantly.

Getting Started

When I first heard about Sqribble, I was intrigued. But I was a slow starter. I wanted to write novels, full of words. Sqribble is designed to include lots of images. You can put images on every page if you want to. But pictures just weren’t part of the picture for me.

So, it was months before it dawned on me that Sqribble was the perfect platform for writing The Bible in Brief, which I had been working on for a few months. In my book, which is a historical summary of the Bible, pictures would make the narrative more appealing than pages full of words. And once I started using Sqribble, I was hooked!

Nowadays, when I’m tired of working and want to play for awhile, I open up Sqribble. It’s great fun, and sometimes I even accomplish something meaningful.

If you’re not sure why you would want to create an ebook, here are some ideas.

Reasons to Write an Ebook

∙ Tell a Personal Story or Memoir: People can use ebooks to document personal experiences, family history, or memoirs, sharing them with family, friends, or a wider audience. The featured image above represents a personal story. A newly-engaged couple might want to share their love story with family and friends. They could create an ebook, using photos from their first meeting right up to the engagement party, and email it. (Short ebooks are easily emailed.)
∙ Lead Generation: Offering an ebook for free in exchange for email addresses is a powerful way to build a mailing list for marketing or business purposes.
∙ Share Expertise or Passion: Writing an ebook allows someone to share knowledge on a subject they’re passionate about or experienced in, whether it’s cooking, travel, fitness, or a hobby.
∙ Build a Personal Brand: An ebook helps establish authority in a particular field, enhancing one’s personal or professional brand.
∙ Create Passive Income: Ebooks can be sold on platforms like Sqrindle and Amazon, creating an additional stream of income.
∙ Teach or Educate: Ebooks are a great medium for creating educational resources, such as tutorials or guides, that can be shared with students, clients, or the general public.
∙ Publish Quickly and Inexpensively: Unlike traditional publishing, ebooks can be produced quickly and at little cost, making them accessible for nearly anyone to create.
∙ Promote a Business or Service: Ebooks can serve as promotional tools, showcasing a company’s services, products, or expertise in a specific area.
∙ Create a Portfolio: Writers, designers, or photographers can use ebooks as a way to showcase their work, creating a professional-looking portfolio to share with potential clients.
∙ Eco-Friendly and Convenient: Ebooks are digital, making them an environmentally friendly way to distribute content without the need for printing physical books. Plus, they’re easy to read on the go!
∙ Develop a Fanbase for Fiction: Aspiring fiction writers can self-publish their works, build a fanbase, and gain readers without needing to go through traditional publishing routes.
∙ Support a Cause or Mission: People passionate about a cause, such as evangelism, social justice, or charity work, can write ebooks to spread awareness or inspire action.

An Ebook That Tells a Personal Story

I created an ebook for the sole purpose of using it as an example in this blog. It is a Christmas letter in the form of an ebook, sent by an imaginary family telling about their year. If you wanted to create a similar Christmas greeting, you would, of course, use your own photographs. Since my family is fictional, I used free online art or images created by Chat GPT. I tried to avoid using multiple pictures of the same person, as much as possible, since they wouldn’t match. But when I couldn’t, you’ll understand that they don’t look the same because I was limited by my sources.

One of the upsells that goes with Sqribble is called Fantasia. Fantasia includes a 3D ebook cover creator and a flipbook option. The flip book is very helpful if your book includes a lot of links. Why? In the PDF version of the book, new links always open in the same window, so after a reader clicks a link and goes to another website, the book has to reload, and readers may have to find their place again when they return to the ebook. (In Chrome, the ebook always re-opens at the cover.)

For this Christmas letter, there are no links, so the flipbook isn’t so important. But it is cool. If you’d rather read the flipbook version, you’ll find a link to it on the cover.

Here’s the Jones’s 2024 Christmas “letter:”

An Ebook Can Be Used for Lead Generation

Even before I wrote The Bible in Brief, I created a short ebook of Bible trivia questions to use as a lead gen product. This one does have a lot of links – every question is linked to the Bible scripture where you can find the answer. If you want to use the flipbook, go to the Table of Contents and click on “Flip Book Link.” That click will take you to the link at the back of the book.

Here’s my lead gen ebook, 25 Bible Trivia Questions:


After purchasing Sqribble, you’ll be offered four upsells:

∙ Sqribble Professional, $97.00 – If you purchase this upsell, you will receive more templates and pre-written articles (that can become the content of your book – with editing, of course.)
∙ Sqribble Prime, $47.00 – If you buy this upsell, you will receive 15 new limited edition templates every month for a year.
∙ Sqribble 3D Fantasia, $77.00 – This upsell allows you to give your ebook a 3D cover. It also allows you to turn your PDF ebook version into a flipbook. (Warning: The flipbook makes an annoying sound every time you turn a page. So, when you create one and are choosing settings, be sure to choose Yes for the “Show Sound Option.” Then, the reader can click a microphone icon to mute the sound.)
∙ Auto Job Finder, $97 – This upsell helps you find jobs writing ebooks for businesses. If that’s not your interest, this upsell will not benefit you, at all.


Here’s a link to my other blog about Sqribble. It provides a lot of the nuts-and-bolts information that will help you understand the benefits of the platform and how it works. “Sqribble: Creating eBooks for Fun and Business”

Here’s a link to my Sqribble Reseller sales page, which will give you even more information.
Sqribble Sales Page

And here’s a QR Code that will take you to my Sqribble Reseller sales page.


Here are links to my blog indexes, which will make it quick and easy for you to find another post to read.
Blog Index – Lists blogs 1-35
Blog Index 2 – Lists blogs 36 to 70
Blog Index 3 – Will list blogs 71-100

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