Lilli's Song


Lilli is 14 years old. She’s bright. She’s gentle. She’s kind. And she’s missing. Lilli’s family love her. Her friends and acquaintances admire her. So, she must have been taken by a predator. Right? Well…right…except that Lilli lives in Skyport, Texas. Skyport is UFO Central. Space aliens have been drawn to this sleepy little town in the Texas Panhandle for many decades. 

So maybe… What if a certain alien named Aziz decided his crew from the planet Soteria needed to study this intelligent girl and her zebra Hubble? What if they “beamed her up,” and carried her off to some distant space lab in the sky? Isn’t that the best possible explanation for the disappearance of a rather commonplace, if intelligent, youngster? Many citizens of Skyport would say, “Yes!”